If you would like to grow in your faith and build meaningful relationships, then LIFE GROUPS are for you!
ECOG Life Groups meet to connect people to God and each other. Our groups meet in various locations for times of study, socializing, and service. Get connected by joining a Life Group today!
Life Group Opportunities
Vine & Branches - We Are Better Together
Focus: Reaching out to the needs of others, volunteering, assisting in any way we can,
fitness, mental health etc.
Meetings: 4th Friday of each month 7pm
Location varies
The Bridge Outreach Ministry
Focus: Fellowship, impact, food and fun
Meetings: Every other Saturday at 2pm
Location: Skokie and Evanston
Servants of Light
Focus: Minister in a local park, visit bereaved families for prayer and support, or visit
and pray with those shut in due to illness
Meetings: Tuesdays In-Person 7pm for bible study and prayer, Thursdays 7pm via Conference Call for testimonies. Once per month for an outreach activity. Two to three times a year for birthday celebrations
Location: Varies and conference call
Prayer Walkers
Focus: Connecting with purpose
Meetings: Various Saturdays
Times: Sunrise
Locations: Lakefront, Evanston Church, Robert Crown Center
For more information contact: (847) 328-0022 or Email: evanstonchurchofgod@gmail.com